
发布时间:2019-12-04 阅读次数:5350次




☞ 初试:简易中文自我介绍(几组几号,来自哪里,什么学校,什么专业,所获证书)+南航欢迎您+四面转体+绕场一周

☞ 复试:



注意: 在面试过程中1 、无微笑 2、无眼神交流 3、仪容仪表不符合礼仪要求的在初试环节直接不合格,不能进入复试,需要重新考试。



中国南方航空公司:空中乘务员  安全员




2019年12月10日  8:00--11:30    13:30--16:40





A组:16中专班  17中专班     18大专班 19大专班

B组:18中专班  19中专1班 19中专2 班 19中专3班


A: 自我介绍

1.  中英文自我介绍(时间不能低于一分半钟,不多于三分钟,注意停顿,声音洪亮)

2.  英文注意发音

3.  自我介绍中不允许出现真实姓名 ,只允许出现个人序号

B: 着装要求:

男生: 白色长袖衬衫(扣子是透明或者白色)+ 西装裤 (西装裤裤脚不可堆着)+黑色袜子(长度到脚踝处)+商务领带

女生: 红制服+ 黑丝袜  +黑色高跟鞋(亚光皮)



1. Ladies and gentlemen:

We will show you the use of oxygen mask. Seatbelt and the location of the emergency exits. Please give us your full attention for the demonstration.

2. Your oxygen mask is stored in the compartment above your head, and it will drop automatically in case of emergency. When the mask drops, pull it towards you to cover your mouth and nose, and slip the elastic band over your hand, and then breathe normally.

3. Each chair has a seatbelt that must be fastened when you are seated. Please keep your seatbelt securely fastened during the whole flight. If needed, you may release the seatbelt by pulling the flap forward, you can adjust it when necessary.

4. Ladies and Gentlemen:

May we please have your attention for the safety demonstration? If you have any questions after the safety video, please contact the flight attendants. Thank you!

5. Ladies and Gentlemen:

Our aircraft is experiencing some turbulence. Please be seated as soon as possible, fasten your seat belt. Do not use the lavatories. And we regret that we are unable to serve you at this time. (Please watch out while taking meals). Thank you!

6. When you disembark, please take all your belongings. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area. Passengers with connecting lights, please go to the transfer counter in the terminal.

7. Ladies and Gentlemen:

We will take off soon. Please be seated, fasten your seat belt and make sure that your tray table is closed, your seatback to the upright position. If you are sitting in a window seat, please help us by opening the shading plate. We will be dimming the cabin lights. If you want to read, please turn on your reading light.

8. Ladies and Gentlemen,

As the luggage bins are heavy, we would greatly appreciate it if you could help the cabin staff to close them. Thank you.

9. Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome to SkyTeam China Eastern Airlines flight. Seat number at the edge of the luggage rack. Please place your hand-carried items in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you. Please keep the aisles open,and we will assist you if you need any help. Thank you!

10. Ladies and Gentlemen:

Due to some passengers have completed boarding procedures, but they haven’t boarded this aircraft yet. For your safety, we must remove their baggage delivery. Please be seated and wait for a moment. (There are baggage of passengers with ground staff, please feel free to claim your own luggage off the plane) Thank you for your cooperation!


1.The lights located on the floor will guide you to the exits if an emergency arises .For further information please refer to the safety instruction the seat pocket in front of you.

Thank you!

2. I'm Li Lei. I study at Taishan Vocational School. I enjoy my school life. School begins at 7:50 am. I'm never late for class. I like all the classes, because my teachers make the classes lively and interesting. My favorite subject is computer.

3. After school, I do my homework, listen to pop music, play games with my friends and surf the Internet. At home, I often help my mother do some housework.

4. My teacher asks me to join a school club. I want to be a soccer star, so I joined the soccer club. Our club plans to have a soccer game at 8:00 pm next Sunday October 8. That day is very important to us. It is going to be our first game this term, and my first game after 1 became a member of the club.

5. Our team leader tells us it is time for us to show our team spirit.

Hi, my name is Wang Li. I'm from Tai'an. I'm sixteen years old. I study at Jinan Vocational School. I like listening to music. My best friend is Cui Gang. He is tall and handsome. His favorite sport is soccer.

6. Do you want to be my pen friend? My postal address is: No. 23, Lixia Road, Jinan. My telephone number is 0531-89986543 and my e-mail address isbillw@jvs.com.

7. Everyone has a family. We live in it and feel warm. There are three people in my family: my mother, my father and I. My mother is a housewife. She is busy. She does a lot of housework, such as cleaning the house, doing some washing, and cooking for the family. She makes our home comfortable.

8. My father is a serious man. He is a doctor. He works hard to help his patients. After work, he likes playing chess with me. We care about each other. We usually have dinner together, and I tell them about what I do at school. They tell me about interesting things. I have a happy family. What about yours?

9. Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.

10. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here.

五: 情景模拟

1.   如果在服务过程中遇到不讲理的乘客该怎么做?

2.   遇到轻微醉酒的乘客该怎么办?

3.   飞行途中,乘客们发现一位当红影星,很多乘客像其索要签名,此时你该怎么做?

4.   碰到不好沟通的同事,她非常不配合你,怎么办?

5.   你考虑过做空乘的辛苦吗?为什么想成为一名空中乘务员?

6.   你认为空乘人员应该具备什么样的素质?如果录取,你准备如何做一名合格的空乘人员?

7.   飞行途中,一位乘客由于飞机剧烈颠簸而吓得发抖,这时你会怎么办?

8.   你的座右铭是什么? 能说明一下吗?

9.   请说一下你的优缺点?





1. 初试排队进房间面试时,最后一名考生记得关门(这是个细节,考验你的细心程度,一定不能忽视)。

2. 进场绕场一周,然后各自站在对应号牌前。此时双脚并拢,正视前方,露出微笑,体态端正,站姿要体现出积极自信的气质:两肩持平,不能出现高低肩,两臂长度要一致,脊柱不能出现侧弯。腿也要尽量伸直,考官会看腿型。目视前方微笑要自然,发自内心,有感染力,与考官目光相撞,也不要刻意躲闪,露怯。

3. 微笑僵硬的可以趁考官看其他考生时,微调下状态,再继续笑。据说有英语过六级的考生因为亲和力不够而被刷的。


1. 考官会扮演旅客角色提出各种难缠问题,“刁难”你。这时候态度很重要,要表现出真诚的态度,即使不知道说什么也不能垂头丧气,可以真诚道歉并给出解释。其实此环节主要考察考生随机应变的能力及心态,是没有标准答案的。

2. 读广播词时要面带笑容,不能让纸张挡脸。














不管是自我介绍,还是回答考官问题,谈吐都要大方、自信,声音洪亮,吐字清晰,渗透情感, 节奏适中,让人陶醉其中,而不是反感抓狂。








